Friday, 31 May 2013

How to add sitemap to search engines

How To Submit your blog Sitemap To Google Webmaster tools?

Google is the largest search engine and you have to submit your blog to it to get your indexed.To get more visitors to your blog it is most important step to do.A sitemap is the navigation hub of your website or blog. It tells a Search Engine bot, how to go through the website. It controls the crawl procedure and the crawl rate of the robot.To submit your site and sitemap to google, fallow these steps.
1. Go to Google>Search webmaster tools, or Click here to go directly.

2. Sign in to webmaster tools with your google email account.

3. You will see a site that already their when we make a blog google 
automatically index it, click on it.

4. Go to optimization>Click on sitemap.

5. Click on add sitemap.
6. Copy the red section of  code and paste it their, you can also manually generate this go in to google and search blog sitemap generator.It will show you sites from which you can make your blog site map.

Overall map of you blog was now submitted to Google. 

How To Submit your blog Sitemap To Bing Webmaster tools?

Bing is second largest search engine so it necessary to submit your  sitemap to bing. To get more visitor to your blog it is most important step you do.
Fallow these step to submit your sitemap to bing search engine.
1. Go to bing webmaster tools.

2. Sign in with your Hotmail account.

3. Type your  blog url in a blank bar at the top and click on add.

4. This will redirect you to next page where it will ask you for sitemap of your site. site url here.
5. Paste the above coding there.You have to wait to get your site indexed in bing for at least two days.

To verify your site fallow the instruction.

That's it your are done now.

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